This guide will cover the basics of Clash. Should you have specific game-related questions, we recommend that you join “Mullet” — our online chat room — for real-time, peer-based feedback, review and interaction.
I’m supposed to do what with a mullet?
As the name suggests, both business and party are covered in Mullet — so don’t be surprised if you run into the occasional jokester in your quest for answers. We suggest you keep your head down and nose clean while you learn the ropes but, if that isn’t your style, you do you— just brace yourself for impact.
First things first. Clash is a violent, crime-themed, text-based RPG game. Repeat: This is just a game. It won’t compensate for other shortcomings or general douchery, but could provide a pretty bad-ass distraction. By the same token, there are some that take things very seriously. This isn’t always a nice game. If you can’t handle smack-talk, this probably isn’t for you.
The aim of the game is to become the best. How do you become the best? You lead fellow players in stats that best benefit your chosen class. At the end of each round, the Overall Best Player (OBP) is announced. Seem a bit intense? Maybe you’re more of a team player? Cartel wins are also coveted, with an increased emphasis on team building and camaraderie.
In order to gain those winning stats, players import and sell dope, pimp hoes and raid and steal from one another. Not wild enough? Cartels have added ability to go to war with others. Now we’re talking.
Your crew is the 3 characters you are allowed under a single login. Crew members can not be traded or re-started. Pick your classes carefully.
Hey there, snowflake. Yes, this is for you. This may be an old school styled game, but let’s not let that stop you from setting yourself apart. You are a beautiful butterfly amongst a sea of weeds, after all.
With you in mind, we’ve added customization options for everything from profile avatars to the color of your links. Don’t overstep your bounds — there are limits to our generosity — any overtly sexual/pornographic or gruesome images will get you banned faster than you can say “avocado toast.” We might give you a warning, we might not. Do yourself a favor and read the Terms of Service. So, pick your colors, your custom images, and organize you hitlist to suit your preferences — you deserve it.
Hitting the porcelain throne and want to hire up or pay your staff? We gotchu, boo. Steal, raid, bomb and hire up from the comfort of your cubicle with your mobile device — our site is fully responsive for most common devices. We’ve even included shortcuts at the bottom of your screen which are, of course, also fully customizable.
After creating your account and choosing name(s), you need to choose your character classes. Although there are nine class options from which to choose, they all fit into two separate playing styles: hitting and building. Say what? Sit tight and keep reading — you’ll get it eventually.
Hitting vs Building.
Builders: Farmer, Salesman, Pimp, Banker
Hitters: Hitman, DEA Agent, Gangster, Mercenary
See details on each class below
Dope is king. All players have the ability to import, buy and sell dope. Predictably, farmers have better contacts for imports and salesmen have better sales contacts. Pimps need dope to supply their hoes and all other classes need to buy and sell it in order to bump those “street cred” stats. Not one of those classes? Don’t discount its worth. All players will need high-quality dope to boost offensive or defensive troop morale.
Dope Import Times: :30 & :50
So you grew some Dope. Now what? Set up your inventory system to allow other players to buy from you. The Public Price aloows the entire game to see the Dope while the Cartel Price restricts the sales to only your Cartel mates. THis is a good way to keep the good quality for your team while selling off the shittier quality Dope. Would't you hate to sell off good quality to someone that will boot their troops to steal from you?
Once you have set your price per ounce, You will have to specify weather or not other Dope functions can occur.
AS is designated for "Auto Sale" with this turned on, any player at any time can buy that particular qulaity of Dope from you.
PS is designated for "Public Sales" this should be checked if you want the Dope to be sold by your delaers. This is usually turned off for the highest levels of Dope.
SM is designated for "Soldier Maintinance" this allows you to pay staff with this quality of Dope.
Finally, HM is designated for "Hoe Maintinance" when this is checked, Hoes will be able to get paid with this quality of Dope.
Dope sales are the primary revenue stream for most classes and provide an opportunity to increase their street credit score. The biggest sellers are salesmen, but all classes should build their sales teams as much as possible to increase cash flow.
Dope Sales Times: :00 & :40
I got 99 problems, and hoes are every single one. Hoes are expensive to hire, but an integral part of the game. Keeping them supplied and happy with high levels of dope will pad that income. Word of warning: Don’t leave your girls vulnerable. Deter greedy opponents by keeping your defensive troops consistently hired and paid.
Hoe Income Times: :02 & :32
Just like in the office, staff morale is key to increase performance and decrease turnover. As the single most important factor in determining steal success, the effectiveness of your defense and whether your hoes see fit to stick around —and how much money they generate — morale is not to be overlooked. There are two ways to increase troop morale: paying staff and boosts.
You're only as strong as your weakest member. Offense and defensive staff require payment. Pay attention, because this is important —defensive staff should be paid at all times, especially builders’ staff. Offensive Staff should be paid prior to activating any Boost. Forget health insurance and PTO. Here, staff morale is affected by the quality and amount of dope provided to staff. The higher the quality, the higher the morale.
Boosts provide a temporary, across-the-board bump in morale for all staff. Boosts should be used wisely as they are timed events that require a cool-down period prior to re-activating. After each Boost times-out, the troop morale will significantly drop. Make sure you have enough high-quality dope to pay the defense once it drops.
Unsure of what Boost to choose? A hitter class would normally do the fast boosts, as they want their morale to peak immediately. Bankers and pimps would generally lean toward a slow boost.
There are 300 total levels in the game. Aside from the bragging rights, leveling up is imperative for purchases, with every item requiring a certain level prior to purchase. In addition to unlocking items for purchase, you receive one skill point for each level achieved. These skill points can be used to increase a desired attribute, which we’ll explain further down. There are three categories that can be leveled.
Street Credit: Experiance gained by making money via Dope sales, Dope imports or pimping hoes.
Notoriety: Experiance gained by attacking other players.
Prestige: Experiance gained by buying items.
Right now it is a big black box, felixx to update.
A bit OCD about your account? Want to flaunt your pwnage in individual categories? We have your back — all steals and sales are logged and ranked for your viewing pleasure.
You’re staring at your screen, not believing what you're seeing. You miss on a 60% chance and some noob turns around and hits you at 20%. We’ve been there, we’ve shaken our heads and we’ve moved on. It happens, deal with it. We’ve witnessed experienced vets fail with a 98% chance of success and, statistically, there’s also going to be someone that manages to pull off a 2%. While nearly unbelievable (and hilarious if it isn’t you that failed), we do keep track and will show you all relevant stats. Percentages will be tweaked if we see something off. Don’t worry, we are active owners.
Each class has an ultimate skill that is class specific that is "charged" by playing the game. When the ultimate is charged, you can activate it as desired. Read about specific ultimates in the class section.
This is a savage game. Playing as a lone wolf can be fun, but there are benefits to be had with teamwork. Cartels can be created for team play, with each cartel holding up to 30 members. The emphasis here should be finding the right cartel fit for you. Tempers can run hot sometimes — find cartel mates with whom you mesh well.
Quick Tip: Cartels will be scored based on steal and loss stats. Getting a good mix of hitters and builders will help raise the cartel score.
Not so fast. Cartels are invite only. “How do you get an invite,” you ask? Easy. Message the cartel leader for an invite or join a cartel that has open join slots.
Among other things, the cartel boss will determine who can join and even has the power to kick out players. This individual is usually very involved in the game (so probably takes it entirely too seriously). In addition to choosing allies and starting wars, the cartel boss will set buys and keep control. Have lofty goals of one day leading your own cartel? Take it easy, champ. Cartel leaders don’t usually give up that position. So sometimes a Mutiny is required.
Cartel Bosses can start a war with another cartel. Go to the opposing cartel and either set them as enemies or allies.
After you have set ememy's. You will have the option to decalre a war.
Set up the war options and send the challenge over. The opposing cartel will have to accept. Points will be given for damage caused to the opposing players.
under construction
The DEA Agent works with the HQ in trying to bust up dope operations and freeing working girls. Sounds like a great guy, right? Not so much. This motherless mofo is ruthless. He has access to steal cash, dope and hoes. Nothing is safe from the DEA Agent. What’s more, this dirty DEA agent doesn’t wait for the legal system to catch up. Instead of throwing you in jail, you’re ending up in the hospital with this guy. The DEA Agent has the same contacts as the hitman and isn't afraid to use them.
Basic Strategy
When hitting, organize your steals to maximize the notoriety for each hit. Remember, you can steal from all 3 possible points of profit.
Special Items
Description: The Gangster is a pure offensive player. Double OG from the Mara Salvatrucha, this guy —although being from the land of pupusas (which are incredibly hard to eat) — really enjoys tacos. The only purpose the Gangster has is to wreak havoc. He can bomb every item, affecting the score and production and or sales. The Gangster can also bomb player items while they are offline, destroying the potential street credit gains. Once an Item is bombed, it takes a lot of money to repair it back to 100%.
Basic Strategy
Hit. Bomb. Repeat.
Special Items
The pimp is one of the biggest money makers in the game. This is the most frustrating class to play. Many people have rage deleted their accounts. This class is needed to make lots of money. Every top player should have a money maker, most people choose the pimp class. Money is great, hoes paid up and bringing in big incomes. Sounds great right? Here's the thing, all big pimps are a target. They are a hitters wet dream, imagine this... there you are stacking 50k hoes pulling in 100 Million incomes an hour. Then boom! You are assasinated by a hitman, then you are bombed taking out your housing, thing are getting bad. Now the raiding begins, the entire game has the ability to raid your defenses down without your ability to hire. All you can do is watch and your toon get destroyed. With all that being said, you want to be a top player? You need a pimp.
Basic Strategy
Slow boost while you stack hoes via hitting. This will maximize the amount of time the hoes are producing incomes.
Special Items
Salesmen are the biggest Dope hustlers. They sell the most Dope at the highest pricee. This class is a huge moneymaker, it will require serious time commitment. Buying all that Dope to sell is sometimes difficult, lucky for all of you, all Dope imports are globally availiable. Make sure you organize your buy list by quality and price and dont be late for an import session otherwise you will be selling low quality Dope. Becarful of the hitter classes, as players will come after you for Dope and Cash. After buying the max amount of Dope for sale, be ready to deposit the money into a trusted banker. Hitters that know the timers, will wait as sales go through for a maximum hit on cash. Dope theives will wait until you buy your stack to sell before they hit you. Keep in mind the gangster and mercenary. Watch your sales teams as you can get bombed at any point in time.
Basic Strategy
Buy as many sales teams as possible. Additionally, put any points availiable on sales price and weight.
Special Items
Everyone needs a banker, thats just how it goes. Large money makers like the pimps and salesmen need a bank large enough to deposit all their cash. If you are running a high level banker, expect a lot of money to go through you. Becareful on who you trust. Bankers can give out loans to other players, they can also up an just delete your account. Bankers are needed for very high dollar purchases, usually a team of players making large buys will slow boost a bankers defense. This allows a banker to be better protected.
Basic Strategy
At first run a banker like a salesmen, buy and sell high quality Dope. As much of it as you can. Also, begin buying safes. Keep your money protected and open up accounts for people you trust. Remember you can play as a team, hustle a crew or get hustled yourself. If ou are playing with a team, have them pitch in to build up the safes.
Special Items
The Mercenery is a power hitter, full on offensive beast. The mercenary knows a guy, that knows a guy, that will blow up your shit. Sometimes it is hard gaining street credit as the mercenary is mostly used for destruction. This is a great account for someone who isnt a builder, who likes to log in just to fuck up someones day. Log in, hit, bomb and dont even bother paying defense. Well, you know, assuming you are not a stat hor.
Basic Strategy
When hitting, organize your steals to maximize the notoriety for each hit. Also, throw in raids for your cartel mates.
Special Items
Farming is a losely used term. This guy used to be a farmer, but he bring with him connections from the farming indusrty. The farmer has the best Dope imports in the game. That comes at a price tho, he's not a very good hitter. Farmers are a fun class for all beginners, every player in the game needs Dope. Use all your funds to bring in high quality, as that will yield higher sales.
Basic Strategy
Farmers should look at import items first, buy as many as you can. The game needs quality Dope.
Special Items
The hitman, like the mercenary is a pure hitter. This class is best for experianced players. Street Credit is hard to come by, but you make up for it with Notoriety. This player is a pimps worst nightmare, hitmen go after hoes.
Basic Strategy
When hitting, organize your steals to maximize the notoriety for each hit.
Special Items